Thursday, December 6, 2012

Reflective Essay

I'm so glad I chose EME 2040 with Professor Coleman. The class was overall a good experience. I feel like I contributed to the class a little bit less than I should've, but that's only because I'm a shy person. I don't always voice my opinion. When it was necessary, I did speak out, but I wasn't on top of every class discussion. 
For the Wiki Project that I participated in, we all worked at it to make it the best we could. I was very pleased with my goup members, since they were all hard workers. The process of putting it all together flowed real smoothly. Although there were some misunderstandings a few times, it was overall good. For only having communication through the website, we did a good job at putting it all together. It got tough sometimes, but we pulled though. I think the most difficult thing about this project was that everyone works different schedules so some people always had free time and started working on it earlier, making the others look like they were slacking. The positives had to be not having to actually talk to the people to get things straight, but this also became a negative. Sometimes it was harder only being able to communicate virtually because not everybody responded right away. We weren't allowed to text or email them either. This made it hard because we just had to wait around until the group member actually got online and responded. Sometimes it was already too late once they had replied. 
Working on the Wiki was somewhat like the working on the collaborative lesson plan. The process was much easier with the lesson plan, though. Communication was much more simple with the lesson plan than the Wiki. The final product of the lesson plan was more simple than the Wiki. It was simpler to put together and come up with. 
Creating assignments in this class was very simple. We always had about two weeks in advance of instruction. Professor Coleman did good in preparing us with time to ask as many questions as we could in order to get it her expectations clear. All the assignments were not too difficult, but challenged you. I really learned a lot from each and every single one of them. 
I know I'll use most of the things I learned in this class. For example, the Prezi presentation, I know I'll use multiple times. If I was going to be a teacher for a second grade class, my butterfly Prezi would be perfect, but I'll be teaching middle school so that'll be too childish to use. I could use it to review the water cycle or maybe the morphosis of rocks. Another assignment I'll use in my classroom is WebQuest. I found that website very useful for lesson planning. I will share my lessons on there as well as look at other lessons and use them. 

Prezi. (2012, May 09). Retrieved from
Wikispaces. (2012). Retrieved from
(2009). Retrieved from

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Chapter 9

Focus Question
What is multimedia technology and how can teachers use it to effectively create and share visual information dynamically in their teaching?
Multimedia learning happens when multiple media (text, data, voice, picture, and video) are used to communicate information. This kind of technology can be used to effectively create and share visual information dynamically in many ways. Students will find it more interesting to learn from videos, powerpoints, or audio tapes rather than the typical lecture. When teachers incorporate multiple interactive media regularly into instruction, it changes how students experience learning in schools. Ideally, by presenting educational material in words, pictures, sound, and animations, teachers "take advantage of the full capacity of humans for processing information."(Mayer, 2011 p.4)

Tech Tool Link
After using Teachertube, I realized it is a really good website to find educational videos. Teachertube is an educational version of the popular YouTube video site. Teachertube provides free online space for sharing instructionally and educationally themed videos made by teachers and students. When I got on this site just to browse around, I found many good videos and documents. They were all very educational and potentially useful. Everything is organized by in different categories. Overall, it is a very good website. 

Summary and Connection
This chapter was pretty resourceful. It introduced me to a few new multimedia resources I can use as a teacher. It also refreshed my memory on ones I had already known about. With this chapter,  I jotted down a few ideas on how I can make my future science class interesting and fun for my students because science is a subject you can either make or break. In science, you can lecture for 20 minutes out of the book then do a worksheet, or show the students an interesting video then do the worksheet using the book. I'm excited to use different types of multimedia technology in my science classroom. 

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Chapter 8 Alternative

After reading David Warlick's post called "Are they students or are they learners?," I asked myself that question and thought about my own experiences and ideas. In this blog post, Warlick compares and contrast the common roles of students and learners. He talks about how teachers view their pupils more as students than as learners. He tries to emphasize the fact that the states base a lot of the education system on government testing. Scores are what matters to them the most nowadays. Teachers focus more on having the students 'get the score' as opposed to actually learning something. Many other bloggers put their opinions in the comment box. Most people agreed, but there were some who disagreed.
I think that what he is trying to put out there is true. Government testing is always going to be something teachers base their lessons upon. They want that extra cash at the end of the year. These teachers aren't too worried if the students are actually retaining the information. I'm not saying, every teacher is like this, but a lot of them are. This blog is a good way for teachers to share their own thoughts that maybe they aren't comfortable expressing in their own school or institution. There's no wonder this post got the most comments under Warlick's blog. It was a very interesting topic to discuss.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Chapter 6

Focus Question
What are WebQuests and virtual field trips?
WebQuests are virtual journeys where students visit a group of preselected websites in order to explore academic topics by accessing online digital text, pictures, audio, and video. They are designed so students will explore multiple options for content learning as they complete a series of tasks.  WebQuests feature a cooperative learning model in which different students do different tasks this way each student can show his or her strengths. Virtual field trips allow teachers and students to visit places around the world as part of their academic studies. Even though virtual field trips are relatively new, reasearch has proven that students who participate in these, do better than those who don't. Both virtual field trips and WebQuests are innovative and engating Web-based teaching methods that can be used at all grade levels.

Tech Tool Link
Delicious is a Web-based social bookmarking tool that organizes all of your bookmarks in one place. Since I was introduced to this site, I've been able to just go to one site to find all the links I need. It's so convenient and easy to use. The tagging feature makes it easy in case you forget why the website is even there. You can also sort and send these bookmarks saved to friends. I can definitely see myself using this website for a long time, especially once I become a teacher.

Summary and Connection
With this chapter, I learned a lot about some things I didn't know. There were also a few things that refeshed my mind. Learning about virtual field trips was one of the most important topics in this chapter. Since I'm planning on being a science teacher,  this is one thing I'm definitely considering on doing. I could really see me taking my students on a virtual field trip to the Lake Michigan Science Research Center, since that's one of the few places that do virtual field trips right now.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Chapter 5

Researching and Evaluating Internet Information

Focus Question
What pieces of information do students need to know about Internet searching?
Students must know that Google ranks websites not on the accuracy or precision, but on keywords, popularity and corss-listing with other sites. This means that just because someting popped up first on your Google search, it is the most accurate or contains the best information. The more views a website has, the higher to the top of the list it gets. Web searching involves three strategies: free text, keyword/exact match, and Boolean. Also keep in mind that when you search on a resource designed for students, more age-appropriate information will be obtained.

Tech Tool Link
Flickr is a website full of many interesting pictures. I find myself using them more and more since I was introduced to this website at the beginning of this semester. With this website, one can upload our own pictures for sharing and/or use the pictures of other people. If we are using other people's pictures, we must not forget to give them credit, though. I know I'll use this website in my future teaching career. As a science teacher, I'll benefit a lot from all the pretty pictures other people share on this website.

Summary and Connection
This chapter was mainly focused on researching and evaluating internet information. I feel that I learned a lot from this chapter. I did not know that internet searching is not based on most accurate information or 'best website.' I always thought that the first result on a Google search had to be the best one. I will make sure to let my students know in the future that just because something popped up on Google as the first result, does NOT mean that it has the best information. Not only will I tell my future students, but everyone who I know does internet searching often.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Online Gaming

Alternative for Chapter 7 

History Mystery on the Scholastic website is a great game. It lets the students guess presidents by using clues given. With this game, students use problem-solving and critical thinking skills, analyze clues, and use search terms to conduct Internet research. It can be used from grades 3- 8 to learn the names of the presidents. I like the game because the students get good clues that let them learn quick facts they might not have known about the presidents. Also, when they guess the correct name, the game gives them a quick summary on the important things that particular president did during his term and just gives important information they should know. 
I would use this game during a history lesson on the Constitution, presidents, or Independence Day. This game would be useful with any of these topics. It gives them a chance to learn facts that they probably wouldn't find in a text book. I'm not planning on being a history teacher, but this would be a perfect game to use in a history class or in an elementary history lesson. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Hello everyone! My name is Jessica Benitez. I am twenty-one years old and Mexican American. I was born and raised in Naples, but I currently live in Bonita Springs. I come from a family of four girls and one boy. I am the oldest; this means I need to set a good example to my sisters and my brother. To this day, I feel like I'm doing a good job at that. I graduated from high school with honors and I'm still pursuing my career plan of becoming a teacher. I am a student at FGCU, but I'm just doing a few classes here at Edison State College this semester. I am also a die hard Dallas Cowboys fan! 
I plan on becoming a middle school science teacher because I believe not enough students are getting the right kind of science education. I want to help them love science the same way I do. 
In my spare time, I love to spend time with my family. I have two jobs so any extra time I have, I use wisely. I also like to go shopping, get my nails done, and all that fun girly stuff. I love taking pictures too. I have been anxious to get a new camera, but with the expenses for school it's been a little difficult. I do plan on getting that camera. I'm going to get it even if it takes me working extra hours.