Thursday, December 6, 2012

Reflective Essay

I'm so glad I chose EME 2040 with Professor Coleman. The class was overall a good experience. I feel like I contributed to the class a little bit less than I should've, but that's only because I'm a shy person. I don't always voice my opinion. When it was necessary, I did speak out, but I wasn't on top of every class discussion. 
For the Wiki Project that I participated in, we all worked at it to make it the best we could. I was very pleased with my goup members, since they were all hard workers. The process of putting it all together flowed real smoothly. Although there were some misunderstandings a few times, it was overall good. For only having communication through the website, we did a good job at putting it all together. It got tough sometimes, but we pulled though. I think the most difficult thing about this project was that everyone works different schedules so some people always had free time and started working on it earlier, making the others look like they were slacking. The positives had to be not having to actually talk to the people to get things straight, but this also became a negative. Sometimes it was harder only being able to communicate virtually because not everybody responded right away. We weren't allowed to text or email them either. This made it hard because we just had to wait around until the group member actually got online and responded. Sometimes it was already too late once they had replied. 
Working on the Wiki was somewhat like the working on the collaborative lesson plan. The process was much easier with the lesson plan, though. Communication was much more simple with the lesson plan than the Wiki. The final product of the lesson plan was more simple than the Wiki. It was simpler to put together and come up with. 
Creating assignments in this class was very simple. We always had about two weeks in advance of instruction. Professor Coleman did good in preparing us with time to ask as many questions as we could in order to get it her expectations clear. All the assignments were not too difficult, but challenged you. I really learned a lot from each and every single one of them. 
I know I'll use most of the things I learned in this class. For example, the Prezi presentation, I know I'll use multiple times. If I was going to be a teacher for a second grade class, my butterfly Prezi would be perfect, but I'll be teaching middle school so that'll be too childish to use. I could use it to review the water cycle or maybe the morphosis of rocks. Another assignment I'll use in my classroom is WebQuest. I found that website very useful for lesson planning. I will share my lessons on there as well as look at other lessons and use them. 

Prezi. (2012, May 09). Retrieved from
Wikispaces. (2012). Retrieved from
(2009). Retrieved from