What are WebQuests and virtual field trips?
WebQuests are virtual journeys where students visit a group of preselected websites in order to explore academic topics by accessing online digital text, pictures, audio, and video. They are designed so students will explore multiple options for content learning as they complete a series of tasks. WebQuests feature a cooperative learning model in which different students do different tasks this way each student can show his or her strengths. Virtual field trips allow teachers and students to visit places around the world as part of their academic studies. Even though virtual field trips are relatively new, reasearch has proven that students who participate in these, do better than those who don't. Both virtual field trips and WebQuests are innovative and engating Web-based teaching methods that can be used at all grade levels.
Tech Tool Link
Delicious is a Web-based social bookmarking tool that organizes all of your bookmarks in one place. Since I was introduced to this site, I've been able to just go to one site to find all the links I need. It's so convenient and easy to use. The tagging feature makes it easy in case you forget why the website is even there. You can also sort and send these bookmarks saved to friends. I can definitely see myself using this website for a long time, especially once I become a teacher.
Summary and Connection
With this chapter, I learned a lot about some things I didn't know. There were also a few things that refeshed my mind. Learning about virtual field trips was one of the most important topics in this chapter. Since I'm planning on being a science teacher, this is one thing I'm definitely considering on doing. I could really see me taking my students on a virtual field trip to the Lake Michigan Science Research Center, since that's one of the few places that do virtual field trips right now.